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Showing posts from June, 2013

A Six Mile Hike

I was the kid always looking for adventure... ok... always looking to get into something, usually trouble.  As a child, if opportunity did not present itself, I always created my own.  Sometimes this meant sneaking into my granny's room and plundering each and every drawer.  On occasion, I would wonder off to find myself sitting under a tree or bush somewhere eating the very apples my granny threatened me with a switch, if I had picked them.  I'd wander to the creek and get marred up to the knees in mud and muck and get my shoes nasty, when I was dressed in my Sunday's best.  My hair wouldn't stay in pigtails because I didn't like the confines and tightness of the bands that held my wavy blonde tresses in place.  I'd cut lose... take off my shoes and throw caution to the wind. Me with the long blonde hair! =) As a mother, I see my children doing some of the very same things I had once done.  My youngest daughter, constantly tempting fate, much like I use to