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Christmas on a Shoestring

Do your kids necessarily need all those things you're going out to get them?  Are you a conservative, preaching to everyone else about that 'sense of entitlement'... WELL, wonder what it stems from?

What makes your children think they are all deserving of those items you wrap, hock your gold, run up the limit on the charge card, or sometimes steal for and carefully place under the green glob of shedding mess you are calling a Christmas tree?

Is IT the list?  YEAH, you know the one.  The infamous, unforgettable list Santa creates each year.  The Good and Bad list.  Ewww... that's the one!  Is it the list that causes you to do this.  Are you as a parent afraid of not being placed on the PARENTAL "Good LIST"?

Who said 'being Good' was rewarded with material things?  Don't we more often than not say to our children, "If you are good, you'll get this... or that."?  Why don't we just teach our children being good is an expectation.  Teach them being good is what God requires of us, and we do it because it's what's expected and pleasing to the Almighty.

Like my husband said, "Christmas isn't a celebration of  "NEW life, NEW hope, NEW joy"... it's a celebration of NEW STUFF!  It has become a season of "Wish Lists, Good and Bad Lists", instead of   "Prayer Lists".  We worry about the tree, the decorations, the food, the fun, the gifts, the shopping, the sales and have nothing left for Christ?

So, how do you do it?  How do you do Christmas on a shoestring?

I'd say, if you hunt, go kill a deer, or wild hawg for Christmas.  You'd save money on buying ham... even if you had to pay to have it processed, the money you could save is outrageous!  If you're a woman and you're fussing about your honey hunting, I'm here to tell you; You ARE CRAZY!  My husband might spend a buck or two on killing a buck or two, but don't you know we get enough meat to last more than a season or two?  It costs 10 bucks to get a pack of cheap ol' hamburger to feed a family of five!  AND, by the time you pay to process a deer, you could feed a family of five on as little as $50 bucks for SEVERAL months!  OH... and it's fat free!  So is the HAWG!  So quit complaining!  And besides, when he's out in the woods, he ain't home messing!

Instead of buying all your kids want for Christmas, if you have to get them anything, and to teach them a bit of appreciation... get them one item of what they want, one item of what they need, and one item of something they can use; like a good bow!

Save money on getting a tree... save on decorations and the mess!  Just don't put one up!  Who needs the headache anyways?  Daddy's always gung hoe about setting the darn thing up, and sits down once he's got the decorations out.  Who does all the work?  Mama... come on ladies, come to your senses!  Buy nutcrackers... everyone's gone nuts anyways... put them jokers up all over the house as a constant reminder; you're not crazy for saving on Christmas by not putting the tree up. NOR are you going nuts by going through all the hustle and hassle required to PUT a tree up!
Will the REAL Nutcracker please step forward!
OH... and STOP watching television... that thing, just fling it out the window!  You'd save huge on whatever you're paying for cable, and/or satellite.  Seriously... you could save 200-300 a year by getting rid of television.  That's just the service alone, not including the electricity!  Television just puts ideas in your heads. Besides, you can't watch anything these days that doesn't promote promiscuity or homosexuality, violence, and hate these days.  I don't hate anyone, just Christmas trees.  I could care less if you're a homosexual, kill people, or sleep with everyone.  I just don't want my children growing up to be like you, that's all!  That's my prerogative, just like being what or whomever you are is yours.  Right?

Start making your own gifts instead of going out and buying any and everything you see just to have something under the tree.  I make these cute little shotgun shell holding bags out of this inexpensive fabric for my husband and son, and jewelry for my girls.  My girls love deer antler jewelry, and stuff made of bone, makes them feel like they're Huntresses.  Creating a girlie quiver for my girls, and a masculine one for the men in my life... that's what makes my heart strings thump!

Last but not least... buy within your means.  Don't know what that is?  It means, if you have to hock, steal, or charge something, then don't do it!  Why do you think the government is in the shape it's in now?  Seriously!

Welp, that's all I have for the day!  The kids are screaming and yelling... must-a been something I said about getting their chores done!  Let me go straighten 'em out before they shoot each other!  Remember, Christmas ain't about that tree!  It's about what God did for us by sending His son Jesus CHRIST!  It's about having enough love for someone that sometimes you have to go above and beyond to show them!  Sometimes that means not spending more than what you have to get them what they WANT, or THINK THEY DESERVE... but giving them what they need... sometimes that's teaching them a little bit about being thankful, and appreciative.  Do it because it's expected, not because you're wanting a hand out!  Can't sit with our hand out waiting all day for someone else to fill it... ya know!

God bless!


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