My husband requested this dish in place of ham or turkey for our NEW YEAR'S FEAST! And I am so glad he did! The bacon... wow... the venison... arh, arh, arh...
1 strip of Tenderloin
1 lb. of smoked bacon
1/4 c. onion powder
1/4 c. garlic salt
1/4 c. pepper (black/white or both)
SOME butter
Skewers or toothpicks to hold bacon in place
First you will need to spread the seasonings/spice evenly in a long baking, casserole or cake pan; one spice at a time:
Spread evenly |
Then take your tenderloin and roll into the spice to cover the entire piece of venison.
THICKLY cover the ENTIRE piece! |
Take your seasoned tenderloin and wrap with strips of bacon using toothpicks or skewers to hold the bacon in place.
Bacon wrapped and held in place w/ skewers |
Heat an iron skillet, add butter. When butter is completely melted, and bubbling... gently place tenderloin to sear each side with butter until bacon is SLIGHTLY browned.
Take out of frying plan and put on the grill! Cook to your liking ... and eat! Eat it with anything... we had collards and blackeyed peas because it was New Years... but you can eat it with wild rice, salads, any vegetable you like. It's one of my favorite... ONE OF... my favorite venison dishes! I hope you decide to use this simple technique and let me know what you think of it!
My Grilled Bacon Wrapped Venison Tenderloin |
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