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My weight has been a formidable opponent of mine for many, many years.  To be exact, it has been the bane of my existence, my worst nightmare, my most hated adversary.

Here of late, I haven't been feeling all that well.  It might be partially due to stress, a never-ending to-do list, and supercharged family dynamic.  The bottom line would be, however, I'm not taking care of myself, my needs.  I don't regularly decompress after working in a busy, self-giving profession.  In other words, I give, give and give throughout the day without taking... yes, without taking any time or doing anything for me.  There are many days I don't even sit down but for a few minutes, or take a break... ok, ok... I may take a quick potty break here and there, and only because I undoubtedly, necessarily have to.  YES... I often wait until it's an emergency and I have to go.

So... hmmmm.... where was I going with this... STRESS, yes stress!  I'm exhausted.  Stress exhaustion, physical exhaustion, and mental exhaustion has taken its toll.  I'm tired.  Really tired.  I barely have time to eat breakfast and catch a snack throughout the day, scarfing it down without tasting it so I can continue with my work.  When I get home... I'm tired. That's WHEN I get home from running errands, picking up and delivering kids to sports, sporting events and part-time jobs.  When I finally do make it home,  I wash the morning dishes, put away clothes, and cook dinner, gorge myself on junk .... before I can complete the healthy meal I am cooking...because I'm starving. 

Anyways.... let's get on with it.  All of "THIS" stuff has added up.  Over a period of 4 years, I have gained 30 lbs.  I cannot sleep at night, my back hurts, feet ache and I am MISERABLE.  My clothes don't fit anymore and I can't stand looking at the person in the mirror.

YES.... it is time for a change.  But I'll start tomorrow... HA!  Just kidding.  I'm starting today.  The best thing I could do for myself today was to start cleaning my house.  I can't think of the mess and clutter.  My brain is messy and cluttered too.  HOWEVER, I do have a week off from work, and I'm looking forward to getting some things organized.  I'm done... and I'm attempting, NO... NO... I am NOT attempting.... I AM COMMITTED to having a NEW, HEALTHIER, HAPPIER mindset.

Everything is possible, right!  I just have to dream big....  or with my physical state being 30 lbs. or more over what it should be.... maybe I in this case I should dream small.



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