In an earlier post I said I'd tell you all about it later, so here I am explaining what my "F8" means. F8 is symbolic. And here's a list of ALL the things my F8 symbolizes.
F8 = On your computer you will find the F8 key. If you are familiar with a computer, you know the F8 key helps you access the Windows recovery system, as well as takes you to the Windows startup menu.
In my journey, F8 is symbolic of many things. Number one, I'm on my way to 'recovery' and I am 'starting up' now.
F represents the word FIVE. I chose "F" to symbolize the five stages one goes through to make lasting changes in their life.
The stages of change are:
F8 = On your computer you will find the F8 key. If you are familiar with a computer, you know the F8 key helps you access the Windows recovery system, as well as takes you to the Windows startup menu.
In my journey, F8 is symbolic of many things. Number one, I'm on my way to 'recovery' and I am 'starting up' now.
F represents the word FIVE. I chose "F" to symbolize the five stages one goes through to make lasting changes in their life.
The stages of change are:
- Precontemplation (Not yet acknowledging that there is a problem behavior that needs to be changed)
- Contemplation (Acknowledging that there is a problem but not yet ready or sure of wanting to make a change)
- Preparation/Determination (Getting ready to change)
- Action/Willpower (Changing behavior)
- Maintenance (Maintaining the behavior change) and Relapse (Returning to older behaviors and abandoning the new changes)
What does the 8 represent? There are 8 things an individual should do to create a good outline or plot to a story. In my case, 8 is a diagnostic measure of looking at my life and how it plays out for my future. What do I foresee? What contemplations do I have for proposed future changes? What are the costs? What will the rewards be? Do the costs outweigh the rewards?
- Set Goals
- Consequence: Of setting goals, Of not setting Goals
- Requirements: What do I need to meet my goals? What do I need to be successful? What's required to be happy?
- Forewarnings: Review consequences of meeting requirements, setting goals, being happy?
- Cost: How much it cost? What I lose? What I gain?
- Dividends: Finding Balance between Cost and Rewards.
- Prerequisites: Things that MUST happen in order for REQUIREMENTS to happen.
- Preconditions: What must happen before ANYTHING ELSE can happen.
Putting the F8 together showed me there was a method to the madness I perceived as change. I can make the changes necessary to live a fulfilling life as long as I maintain focus, work towards change, and have an expected outcome/end, and am willing to do whatever necessary to get there.
When you see F8... from now on... on my blog, it will represent the changes I am a presently making towards a better future. Thank you for reading, and I value your input. XO
Sam 💗


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