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Blessed SNOW!

I must say, God has really blessed me through the years.  When I look at my husband and children, I consider the unexpected blessings I have had since they each came into my life.  Not looking for love, I found my husband, and after giving up on the idea of becoming a mother, I'm now a proud parent of three wonderful children.  It hasn't always been easy... trials, financial losses, heartache, deaths of family and friends... but one thing is clear... we each became stronger because of it.

Dusting of snow on my camellia
My husband, thankfully is a praying man... he's diligent in his faith; continually reading the Bible, praying and guiding us as a family.  He's the leader of our house.  Because he took on the role as head with such a fierceness... we've been able to thrive and survive through the roughest of times.  I'm so thankful, and blessed he decided to be THE MAN in our lives by setting the proper example for my son and daughters.  More than gratified my husband has given my son a proper male role model to look up to.  That's something you don't see much of these days.

This winter has been one of the mildest winters I remember, in quite a while.  My husband kept praying, and praying for just one day of snow, accepting that God's will would be done as it is in all things.  Although it wasn't suppose to, it snowed early Saturday morning... I'm talking 4 o'clock in the morning.  My husband and I watched the news, and  on the radar only our little peak of the county was covered.  God had answered my husband's prayer.  He wasn't asking for much snow... just a little to cover the ground, and that's what we got.  God's awesome will was to bless us with snow... and we took full advantage!  

My Youngest Daughter's Snowman
My husband's snowman

While I was cooking breakfast around 7:30 am, my husband and kids were out playing and throwing snowballs at one another.  After we finished our hot homemade biscuits  ferrell hawg sausage, gravy and eggs... I got out there and joined in!  There wasn't much on the ground.  Not even sure there was an inch of coverage... just enough to create snowballs, have a snowball fight, build tiny little snow men, get cold and wet... laugh, run and have fun.  

By 10 am, the sun was in full force... and the snow melted in a matter of minutes.  Feeling refreshed, and alive... we all came inside to warm our bodies, prepared for another day of adventure, and spending time together as a family.  Realizing our blessing, the snow... my husband, family and I gave thanks to God for answering our prayer.

It doesn't take much... for us.  Living in a country with such an abundance of everything from clothing, food, automobiles, electronics... etc., we often forget how blessed we truly are.  We take for granted those simple, pure, little blessings... and often forget to give thanks for them.  

Even the minuscule... the mustard seed... can be the GREATEST blessing of all.

"What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it. It's like the mustard seed, which is the smallest seed you plant in the ground. Yet, when planted it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants with such big branches that the birds of the air can perch in it's shade." NIV Mark 4:30-32

God bless... Get out there and enjoy each and every second with thanksgiving in your heart!
A light dusting!

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